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welcome to your truth

12. your voice

Guiding you to insight and understanding into why you’re feeling the way you are.
This truth is only connected to what you’ve been reflecting on and doesn’t describe your whole personality…

Find a quiet spot and take some time to read over the general information for this essence, noticing what ‘jumps out’ at you, or causes an emotional response.
Remember, this is the general (big picture) information so it may not all be relevant to you.

Been here before? Skip to the section you need.

Big Picture

Choosing your voice gives you insight and understanding into why you’re feeling the way you are.

“your voice” helps to quieten your inner voice of self-doubt and confusion, enabling you to express yourself truthfully and without fear. This Truth encourages you to become comfortable with your own unique form of Self-expression and not need to be like anyone else.

When you’re able to connect with others from a position of safety and love, rather than fear, suddenly things become clear and your voice finds its true purpose. In singing, this can relate to finding the true pitch, note or tone you desire.

If you’ve chosen “your voice”, you could be afraid to be heard. When you’re called upon to speak/sing, your voice may present in extremes, i.e. a soft, croaky voice (literally unable to be heard), or a loud dominating voice (which is difficult to listen to).

You may struggle to enter a conversation, and when you do, it can be challenging for you to find your words, as your internal Self-judgment can leave you feeling confused and criticised. You may also feel afraid of the consequences of your words. This could be due to past traumatic experiences where speaking up resulted in not being believed, in punishment (of self or others), or in conflict.

When experiencing intense internal Self-criticism and Self-punishment, you may feel ‘stupid’ and believe that you’ve nothing to offer.

You can feel that all eyes are upon you, and this negative attention causes you to freeze and confirms your fears, which cements the pattern. This can physically manifest in throat clearing, blushing, nervous laughter, anxiety or panic attacks.

You can find it difficult to acknowledge others, either through your words or with eye contact. This can be because of a deep fear of being seen, as though there’s a real danger of being attacked. Unfortunately, this behaviour draws more attention to you and aggravates this fear.

You can become a prime target for bullies.


Your voice is all about being able to speak your truth even when afraid.

  • Shy
  • Bullied and talked over
  • Struggling to enter conversations
  • Feeling it’s unsafe to be heard or seen
**Before moving onto the next section, return your pebble to the velvet bag and select another.

Key points

Hones in on the specifics of your situation and provides you with either a positive state of being to develop further, or a negative state of being to release.

Before proceeding, return your Truth pebble to the velvet bag, mix them up, then select another pebble. This pebble will guide you to the relevant number below. You may find that the information you now receive is the same as what jumped out at you when you read section 1.


  • 1 Able to acknowledge your Self and others
  • 2 Knowing it is safe to talk – ability to express your opinion freely – knowing your innate right to speak – quieten self-doubt and confusion.
  • 3 Trusting that through discussion, relationships can grow – connecting to others with love instead of fear – feeling accepted/equal – believing your opinion is important for others to hear.
  • 4 Feeling grounded around others – holding your own space.
  • 5 Able to hold your head up, and speak or sing with clarity and purity – comfortable with your own unique form of self-expression – perfect tone or pitch.


  • 6 Often can’t find the words and can lose the thread of a conversation – when asked a question you find that your mind has gone completely blank.
  • 7 Feeling you have no right to speak – self-doubting and critical thoughts.
  • 8 Being shy and hating being the centre of attention – getting embarrassed easily – finding it difficult to acknowledge others – fearful of being seen or heard.
  • 9 Speaking/singing voice may be affected: – quiet and/or croaky – loud and dominating.
  • 10 Feeling that to express a different opinion is dangerous – afraid of confrontation, or saying the “wrong” thing – anxiety and/or panic attacks.
  • 11 Being stuck in past trauma when it has been unsafe to speak up – feeling stupid, fear of punishment – fear of not being believed – fear of being bullied.
  • 12 Physical reactions around speaking or singing – e.g. blushing, throat clearing, avoiding eye contact, sweating, nausea, nervous laughter etc.
**Before moving onto the next section, return your pebble to the velvet bag and select another.


Affirmations are used to affirm your beliefs and assist with your transformation.

An affirmation is one way of moving something from your conscious mind, into your subconscious mind. Oſten you “know” how you want to feel and react but somehow that just doesn’t happen and your old mind chatter takes over. That’s because your subconscious hasn’t yet accepted the information as true.

If you wish to move a new more positive way of thinking into your subconscious then use one of the affirmations provided as part of the toolbox. The best way to do this is through repetition.

Before proceeding, return your Truth pebble to the velvet bag and select another. This will guide you to the affirmation below. Say the affirmation (either aloud or in your head) as many times as you feel necessary, especially when your mind chatter is going to unkind places.

**Please return your pebble to the velvet bag before selecting another.
  • 1 “I acknowledge myself and others”
  • 2 “My voice is strong, clear, pure and valued”
  • 3 “My ideas are good”
  • 4 “I hear what people say”
  • 5 “I’m grounded and in my space””
  • 6 “My opinion matters”
  • 7 “I speak from my heart”
  • 8 “I believe in me”
  • 9 “It is safe to speak”
  • 10 “I have a right to speak”
  • 11 “I can take my time to answer questions”
  • 12 “I’m able to connect to others with love”

Colour Therapy

your Heart’s truth Colour Therapy cards have been hand illustrated using a number of embedded images that contain specific purifying colours and vibrations.
This therapy may make you feel restless, stir memories and thought patterns but hang in there, you’re experiencing change. You may not notice an immediate difference but find next time when faced with a similar situation your response is different.

The card, your voice, will assist you to further release stressful programmed responses and/or embrace insight, calmness and change.

Stare at the image below until you’re bored. Take in every aspect including the corners. Go past the point where you tire of looking at it, then stare some more to get the full benefit.

Check out our blog on what Colour Therapy is.
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Vibrational Essences

your HEART’S truth Vibrational Essences help you to handle life in a more positive way by balancing mind and body energies. This is a safe and natural way for you and your family to heal and grow. The essences assist your understanding and processing of what is true for you.

All our essences are composed of pure water preserved with brandy that is infused with the energetic resonance of a combination of different elements. These elements are intuitively combined to harness their unique balancing and harmonising effects for differing conditions.

Select the essence that relates to this page.
Continue to think about your concern.


  • Mix your essence by tapping the bottle on the palm of your hand.
  • Use 5-7 drops of your essence either by placing;
    • under your tongue or into a glass of water and drink,
    • into your bath, directly onto your body or use during a massage,
    • into a spray bottle with water; spray around yourself or your space,
    • onto acupressure, chakras or trigger points.
Check out our blog on vibrational essences
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Try these tips to find your voice.

  • Practice talking in a strong loud voice or sing
  • Know when it’s safe to speak
  • Observe how others join conversations
  • Ask questions

with ❤️ Faye

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