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Understand the chatter in your head

your HEART’s truth is about knowing, taking responsibility and processing your HEART’s truth. That is: your deepest truths, your insights, knowledge and guidance that you know already exists deep inside of you.

It’s often difficult to hear our inner truth because of our past conditioning, traumas, memories or habitual behaviours, which can confuse and distract us.

We can and do spend a lot of time chattering away to ourselves ‘in our heads’. Often this chatter is filled with judgements, assumptions, and position and attitude-confirming thoughts. Unfortunately, our memories and traumas may inspire reactions that don’t serve us well now and keep us in our survival or trauma mode of operating. When we do this, we’re constantly defending ourselves. This isn’t much fun, particularly when we don’t understand our emotional and physical reactions, be they anxiety, rage, fear or tears to name but a few.

Take a moment to listen to what you tell yourself.
Is it ok? Is it true?

Make some positive statements about yourself and see what your chatter says eg

  • I’m clever
  • I’m healthy
  • I’m kind

your HEART’s truth will enable you to understand what’s really happening for you. Using it, you will gain trust, a deep insight into your own self and be able to make informed choices about what you tell yourself, who you want to be, and how your chatter supports you.

There are 12 affirmations for each truth that will provide you with positive ‘chatter’.

You can use your heart’s truth for yourself, your family, in your relationships, with your pets or for your clients. The potential for positive change using your HEART’s truth is extraordinary.

When you use your HEART’s truth you will be able to bypass the past and connect to yourself in the now for your enlightenment, understanding and growth.

Faye Oliver

Cert IV of Kinesiology | Diploma of Counselling /Energy healing, fabric printer, silk painter, storyteller.


  • Lynn Leslie says:

    Thank you Faye for your wonderful wisdom and extremely helpful products. I use them for both myself and my sweet puppy who picks up on my distress. As a result we both feel more settled and peaceful.

    • Avatar photo Faye Oliver says:

      Thank you Lynne, I’m so glad you are gaining benefits from your HEART’S truth and that your darling puppy is also enjoying a more peaceful time.

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